Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is our Digital Analytics tool of choice, it’s what we use to report and track customer behaviour on our digital channels.

Revenue: Prepay / Fast Track Collection

The sum of all Revenue from sales of products ordered through Fast Track Collection. ‘Prepay’ is included in the metric title as this is what Fast Track Collection was originally known as. If a customer does not collect their Fast Track Collection order after 7 days it is automatically refunded. Again, this Revenue figure is […]

Revenue: Reservation

A calculated metric which sums the value of products reserved either through a standard reservation or a 1-Click reservation, minus the value of any 1-Click cancellations. The Revenue figure is pre collection, which means there is no adjustment made to remove the value of reservations which are not collected, although the figure is adjusted for […]

Revenue: Home Delivery

The sum of all Revenue from sales of Home Delivery products. Unfortunately we cannot currently differentiate between different Home Delivery transactions such as 1-man, 2-man, Fast Track and Supplier Direct Fulfilment so this is only available at a total level. Which reports can I use Revenue: Home Delivery with? In the Key Metrics report for […]

Revenue: Total

A calculated metric which sums all the individual Revenue metrics for the different fulfilment types. This is the metric used for overall sales, the calculation is as below; Revenue: Total = ((Revenue: Home Delivery + Revenue: Prepay / Fast Track Collection + Revenue: Reservation (Exc 1-Click) + Revenue: 1-Click Reservation) – Revenue: 1-Click cancellation)) Please […]


Reports & Analytics Location: Content → Pages → Pages The ‘Pages’ report shows traffic volumes for individual webpages, and can be used to rank pages by metrics such as page views, visits and exit rate. All pages are assigned a unique value called pageName which is used to identify them. The Pages report references this pageName value to […]

Page Views

Page Views is a metric that counts the number of times a webpage was loaded. If a page is re-loaded, refreshed or accessed via the back arrow, another page view is counted. All visits are made up of at least one page view. For example, if a customer visits the website on Monday and views […]

Unique Visitors

The Unique Visitors metric is used to understand, overall, how many unique users performed a particular action over a period of time, such as coming to the website, logging into their account, or viewing a Home and Garden product. Adobe uses cookies to link visits made by the same person to a unique visitor. Essentially […]


The Visits metric is used to understand how many users performed a particular action over a period of time, such as coming to the website, logging into their account, or looking at a Home and Garden product. Adobe uses Cookies to tie a group of actions together to an individual user. The Adobe technical definition […]

Report Suites and Channels

Report Suites and Channels Currently, every digital channel has its own Report Suite in Adobe Analytics, meaning that data for each of these channels is captured and stored separately, and so reports can only be run for one channel at a time. In Reports & Analytics the report suite can be selected from the top […]

Props, eVars and Success Events

Props Also known as Traffic Variables, props are used to record the number of times a value was captured or occurred. For example, you would use a prop report to answer the question ‘How many searches for ‘Food Processor’ have we had this week?’, or ‘How many times was the Home Event banner on the […]