The sum of all Revenue from sales of Home Delivery products.
Unfortunately we cannot currently differentiate between different Home Delivery transactions such as 1-man, 2-man, Fast Track and Supplier Direct Fulfilment so this is only available at a total level.
Which reports can I use Revenue: Home Delivery with?
- In the Key Metrics report for an overall view.
- Against all Products reports – this will tell you the Home Delivery sales Revenue for the particular product / brand / Trading Series / Web category you are interested in.
- Against any eVar report, for example;
- Static Pages (eVar6)
- Promotion Code (eVar11)
- Search Term: Lister (eVar1)
- Search Term: Onclick (eVar4)
- Internal Campaign ID (eVar5)
This will give you the value of sales attributed to a specific static page, promotion code or search term etc. Find out more about how revenue is attributed to an eVar value here.
Note: Do not use Revenue with prop or traffic reports, as these are not able to stitch sales to customer interactions. They are there purely to count the volume of instances of these interactions rather than the sales they generate.
All Revenue metrics are prefixed with ‘Revenue:’ and show the value of sales taken through digital channels.
When using any Revenue or sales metrics, please bear in mind that Adobe Analytics is not a Business Intelligence or financial reporting tool. Its purpose is to give insights through trends and behaviours across our digital channels. As such it does not capture 100% of data and will not match with other systems around the business such as Midas or Business Objects.
Sales and Revenue information is captured by Adobe on the order and reservation confirmation pages. The value of the transaction is taken and fed through into Analytics at the point of confirmation. The main thing to bear in mind is that;
Adobe Analytics captures the price that the customer paid and saw on the confirmation page
This means that;
- Reservation and Fast Track Collection Revenue figures are pre collection. The value of all reservations and Fast Track Collection orders placed are reported, even if the customer never collects the products.
- Figures are not adjusted for any items that are subsequently returned and refunded.
- Revenue figures are inclusive of VAT.
- Revenue figures are the value after discounts, promotions or special offers have been applied.
- The four fulfilment types (Reservation, 1-Click reservation, Home Delivery and Fast Track Collection) are captured and reported separately, meaning that if a customer had two items in their basket, reserved one for store collection and had the other home delivered, both reservation Revenue and home delivery Revenue would be reported.