The Worst Office Jargon

Going forward

It means in the future and is probably the most overused piece of office jargon. The phrase was most probably coined to encourage office staff to stay optimistic, rather than dwelling on what (usually negative) development is happening in the here and now. Last year Conservative minister Alan Duncan took a stand for common sense when he banned his staff from using the term, calling it “loose and meaningless”.

To ‘Action’ something

In an office environment you may often be asked to ‘action’ something rather than simply ‘do’ it. Verging, the creation of a verb from a noun or adjective, has become gradually more common. In this case action can almost always be replaced with a proper, more specific verb.

Touch base

An Americanism, the term ‘touch base’ comes from baseball where runners need to touch the base for a run to be legal. In the boardroom, however, it means to make or renew contact with someone. This contact can be in the form of a call, email or face-to face meeting. Often used as a request; “let’s touch base” is about as meaningful as “let’s do lunch”. Office workers may also be asked to ‘reach out’, which means the same thing.

Circle back

Circle back is another piece of office jargon which makes absolutely no sense. It really means to catch up later; a more grandiose version of ‘follow up’ or ‘check back’. An example of its use would be “I’m just heading to a very important meeting but we will circle-back later.”

Bluesky thinking

Equally meaningless are the phrases ‘blue sky thinking’ and ‘thinking outside the box’. Both mean the idea of thinking creatively and coming up with original ideas. Put into ordinary language they translate to ‘doing your job’.


Slightly more specific than blue sky thinking, brainstorming is a technique by which a group discussion is held to produce ideas. The brainstorming movement was nearly thwarted several years ago when a council banned the term, fearing it might offend mentally ill people and those with epilepsy. An alternative phrase, ‘thought showers’, was encouraged.

To take something offline

This term is particularly maddening because it has nothing to do with the internet. It is actually a convoluted way of putting off addressing something. For example if an office worker says about a certain topic, “let’s take this offline”, he or she is really saying let’s talk about this later or more probably never again.

Low hanging fruit

This non specific phrase refers to an easily achievable goal or target. It comes, quite logically, from the idea that you wouldn’t need to scale a tree to pick an apple when there is one hanging close to the ground. The problem is that it means nothing as no one knows what tasks are actually being referred to. It is also misleading; taking the easiest option is not always the best solution.

Get the ball rolling

This sporting idiom originated from games which began when a ball started to roll. Somehow the term has crept into boardrooms and office blocks and simply means ‘begin’.

Drill down

Not, as one might think, anything to do with heavy machinery. It means to look at something in detail. It can be used either as a noun or as a verb, for example “he found the required information through a drill-down”.

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