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The Four Laws of Combat

Somebody in the team sent me this extract from a book they’re reading which I quite like the simplicity of, it’s a bit militant but I think the principle is quite valid. The first Law of C...

Everyday Leadership

This TED Talk was shared with me by somebody in Digital Trading about leadership. For me though a bigger part of this was about recognition and a call to action around recognising people regardless of...

What is Blockchain?

Let’s address the elephant in the room; the misconceptions people have about what blockchain means in general. Simply put – Blockchain ≠ Bitcoin Bitcoin or Altcoins (bitcoin alternatives) ar...

Analytics Maturity Model

The below diagram illustrates a generally agreed maturity model for analytics. You may find you don’t exactly fit in any of the below boxes but the purpose is to highlight what basic and strong ...

Eisenhower Matrix

I suspect most of you will have seen this grid before but I wanted to write something you had to refer back to and some detail around the model for those of you who could do with a hand managing your ...