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SQL Joins

For those of you that use or want to learn to use SQL but struggle with “joins” I found this diagram really helpful.

Excel Formulas & Data Presentation

Excel Data Presentation Guide [Download] Copy & Paste Values Copying the the contents of a cell and pasting just the value and not the underlying formula that is displayed in the formula bar. Remo...

Data Viz Study

So if the words data visualisation don’t make your eyes roll back in your head Tableau have written an article based on tracking eye movements when looking at dashboards to give some ideas on ho...

Error Reporting in SessionCam

SessionCam ran a seminar recently on how to use their new Error Reporting feature, which you can now watch above. I’ve had a play around with it but it’s definitely in its early stages an...

How to live longer!

I read a really interesting article in Scientific American here around how time appears to pass faster as you get older. It seems rather depressing the older you get the faster your perception of time...