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The Academy Downloadable Books!

So interestingly I only found this the other day but did you know The Academy has a whole online library of downloadable books? You can find the library here but there are some great books for exam...

Tealium Migration

As part of our plan to continue to drive value from our data we’re undertaking a project to migrate from our existing tag management solution “Adobe DTM” to a new solution called Tea...

A Little Charisma Goes a Long Way

I recently read this article from the Harvard Business Review (shared with me by Miles) and thought it made an interesting point. Charismatic leaders can inspire others to perform better, and it would...

Organisation Using Trello

I thought I’d write an article about this as I’ve had a few people asking questions, hopefully some of you have heard of Trello but if now it’s literally a tool to help you organise ...

The Worst Office Jargon

Going forward It means in the future and is probably the most overused piece of office jargon. The phrase was most probably coined to encourage office staff to stay optimistic, rather than dwelling on...