Tag Archives : Trello

What is toxic productivity? And 5 tips to overcome it

If you find yourself constantly busy, stressed, and unable to “turn off,” you’re not alone. Workaholism or “going the extra mile” no matter the cost risks your wellbeing, both physical and m...

The 5 best morning routine ideas of highly-productive people

A good morning routine sets the productivity tone for the day. But is it really as simple as a morning ritual and a healthy breakfast? After analyzing the advice and morning routines of six top produc...

4 reasons for project fails—and how to prevent each one

We’re living in the golden age of failure, where tech culture embraces a “fail fast” mentality and celebrates lessons learned from missteps. But when it comes to that upcoming project ...

Team Productivity Guide

I read an interesting guide about team productivity (attached) which talks about distributed teams, the importance of collaboration and how to achieve it. It highlights some of the challenges I think ...